Washington Hebrew Congregation
3935 Macomb St NW
Host Activities: A performance by DC Different Drummers, a Resource Fair with over 25 local and regional organizations, registration, and an opportunity to share your own perspectives on what it means to take responsibility for others in our own IFC video booth. 

Opening ceremony
This year’s Opening Ceremony will feature words of welcome and reflection by Rabbi Susan Shankman, Washington Hebrew Congregation and Cardinal Gregory, Archdiocese of Washington. Renee Brachfeld, Multifaith Storytelling Institute, will lead us in an act of connection and community building. Councilmember Matt Frumin (Ward 3, DC) will lead walkers out of the synagogue and down Massachusetts Ave. 

The Walking Begins

Embassy Church
3855 Massachusetts Ave NW
Host Activities: A tour of the church, speak with clergy, and music

Annunciation Catholic Church
3810 Massachusetts Ave NW
Host Activities: A tour of the church and speak with clergy and lay leaders

Service Project: Build Back-to-School and Birthday Party kits in partnership with Brooks Family Shelter (Ward 3)

Family Workshop: While adults assemble birthday and back to school kits, children will be invited to make a card(s) to add to each kit. Markers and card stock will be on hand and messages that can be used as models will be available. Hosted by The Center for Children and Theology.

Sikh Gurdwara, DC
3801 Massachusetts Ave NW
Host Activities: Share Langer with the Sikh community and touring the Gurdwara.

Bryce Park
Massachusetts Ave. NW
3:15-3:45 pm
Speed Dialogues: “Taking Responsibility for Our Neighbors” (There will be two dialogue sessions each one lasting 15 minutes). These unique dialogue sessions will give participants a chance to talk with different people over a short period of time. Designed for speed and intimacy, the experience of sharing your story and listening to others in this setting will deepen your connection with others on the Walk.

Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
2815 36th St NW
Host Activities: Tour the church and speaking with clergy and lay leaders 

Workshop: Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) & Beyond Gas DC
Outside of Saint Sophia, visit the Interfaith Council’s grassroots climate program, Interfaith Power & Light, to learn more about the harm that gas-burning is causing to our climate and to our health and how you can begin to electrify at home and beyond. Join with faith communities in speaking out for healthier homes!

Community of Christ Church
3526 Massachusetts Ave NW
Host Activities: Tour of the church and speak with lay leaders and clergy

Workshop (3:30-4:30pm):
Storyteller Renee Brachfeld will lead a fast-paced personal storytelling session designed for participants to listen to and hear each others’ stories. Think “storytelling speed dating,” but way more fun!  No storytelling experience needed – this is a chance to connect with other members of the Unity Walk community. This session is perfect for adults and teens. Each session will be 20min long and there will be a 10min break between sessions.

St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral
3500 Massachusetts Ave NW
Host Activities: Tour the cathedral and speak with lay leaders and clergy.

Closing Ceremony

Islamic Center of Washington, DC
2551 Massachusetts Ave NW
Speakers and performers include Mosaic Harmony and leaders from the Buddhist, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Baha’i, Hindu/Jain, Muslim, and Zoroastrian faith communities. The ADAMS Center has generously donated shuttle buses to take walkers from the Islamic Center of Washington, DC back to Washington Hebrew Congregation in a loop. You are welcome to park your car near the synagogue and then pick it up again at the end of the walk. 

*More details will be added as they are confirmed.