The 2022 Unity Walk will take place at a time when xenophobia, racism, and other hateful actions and words continue to poison our public life. As IFC’s largest public program, the Walk is a clear demonstration of our commitment to creating inclusive spaces where people from different religions and cultures can come together to learn about each other’s traditions. In doing so, they have a chance to better understand both what they have in common and what makes them unique.
Leading up the Walk, we invite you to lift up the importance of embracing all of our neighbors – in celebration of the rich religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity that exists in our region. In order to build a just community, we must move beyond tolerating our differences to respecting, appreciating and caring for one another. It is only then that we will create a place in which everyone truly belongs and matters.
As a faith leader, congregational lay leader, organizational leader, sign on to the pledge here.
As an individual, sign on to the pledge here.
Beyond Tolerance: Building a Just Community Pledge:
I pledge to:
- Get curious about my neighbors
- Learn about and address the barriers that exist to our achieving religious pluralism through personal or communal reflection and/or action
- Commit to learning about a faith, religious, or cultural background different from my own through events such as IFC’s Unity Walk
- Respect others’ faith practices even when they differ from my own
- Speak out against hateful and prejudiced speech or actions within my sphere of influence
Pledge Signatories (Congregational/Organizational)
Farzad Aidun, Zoroastrian, IFC Board Member
Ibrahim Anli, Executive Director, Rumi Forum
Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz, Associate Rabbi, B’nai Israel Congregation
Alan Edelman, Vice-Chairman, Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council
Nina M. Fernando, Executive Director, Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign
Rebecca Newlin, Interfaith Center at Miami University
Mr. Asher Nazir, Community Organization for People Empowerment (COPE Pakistan)
Elena Rodriguez, Coordinator, Fabrangen Havurah
Bennette Seaman, Church of Scientology of Kansas City
Aman Shergill, Sikh, IFC Board Member
Joyce Wilding – Third Order Franciscan TSSF, United Religions Initiative Nashville TN Cooperation Circle
Individual Signatories
Ishmael Amini
Mugu Zakka Bako
Alyson Cronquist
Rev Trish Hall